1. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in the Tropics (RESOL-TROPIQUES) publishes research undertaken in the tropics of Africa. In addition to international symposia organized by public universities, technical sheets and monographs of high quality, the Journal publishes the best Masters and PhD theses defended in the various fields of Environment and Biodiversity Conservation, namely geography, sociology, anthropology, botany, biology, natural sciences, communication, etc. By these choices, the Journal aims to enhance and make the work of young researchers and experienced scientists more accessible to the broader audience. As such, the Journal constitutes a showcase for research in the tropics.

2. The journal publishes articles or any other scientific contributions that address the complex issues of environment, ecology and biodiversity that are undermining the spaces and territories of human societies undergoing rapid growth and economic change.

3. Based on the postulate that understanding the dynamics of environmental systems requires the conjunction of several scientific fields interacting in interdisciplinarity, the journal publishes in the following fields: Life Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Earth Sciences, Geomatics, Legal and Economic Sciences, Sciences of Letters and Languages.

4. The journal accepts original articles in French and English.

5. It publishes two issues per year. Publications also include special issues and varia-type issues that may be suggested either by the Editorial Committee or by outside researchers.

6. All articles or other scientific contributions are published in open access by the journal under the terms of the international Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. license.